Se společností Voerman jsem se setkali na regionálním setkání zástupců managementu jednotlivých poboček. Zajímalo je téma Wellbeing v práci – co přináší, když jsou lidé “well” a naopak, o co firma přichází, když její zaměstnanci “well” nejsou. V centrále společnosti, v Nizozemí, věnují oblasti wellbeing velkou péči. Proto nás potěšilo, že i pro lidi z centrály byla naše prezentace podnětná a vzbudila následnou živou diskusi. Lokální pobočku zajímalo, jak na tom s wellbeing jejich lidé ve skutečnosti jsou a co potřebují, aby se jim dobře pracovalo. S úkolem zjistit a navrhnout kroky, které pomohou lidem cítit se ve firmě ještě lépe, mít motivaci a energii tvořit a být proaktivní jsme se v pražské pobočce začali potkávat na konzultacích.

Společně s managementem jsme objevovali konkrétní potřeby lidí i firmy. Poznávali a popisovali jsme kulturu organizace a identifikovali ty její konkrétní prvky, které pomáhají lidem pracovat dobře a rádi.
Našli jsme mnohé, ale úplným pokladem byla celofiremní filozofie zakotvená v Servant leadershipu. Naše další spolupráce spočívala tedy v podpoře spoluobjevování, sdílení a žití krásných principů firemní filozofie. K tomu jsme využili firemní teambuilding, kde jsme začali se všemi lidmi pojmenovávat firemní hodnoty a hledat jejich konkrétní naplňování v denní praxi.
INTERVIEW WITH Wiegert Smallegange, Branch Manager
In our experience, many companies think about employees(´needs) only when a problem needs to be resolved. Or, when a company can’t find the right people, they start to consider how to build and improve their employer brand. When we met first, you weren’t addressing any such problem. What was your motivation for working with MRF?
Indeed, we did not or do not have urgent problems or issues with staff that need to be resolved. But we want to constantly improve – on customer satisfaction, on profitability and definitely also on employee happiness/fulfillment. We say we are a servant leadership company, but did not really practice this, or better, know how to talk about it. This is an area we wanted to improve on. To get this philosophy embedded in our culture/everday life, we asked MRF for assistance.
Together, we have taken your corporate philosophy and values from theory to practice. You have invested a lot of time – both managers and staff. What results can you see now – almost a year later?
People are aware of the Servant Leadership philosophy and company values. So in our communication we can refer to them and let it become part of our language. This is slowly happening.
When we say “company team building”, most companies imagine a trip with a sporting or cultural program, maybe an outside meeting with a wild party in the evening. You’ve tried something different. Why? How was the event and how did you enjoy & evaluate it? / How did people feel about it?
We also do other team-building events. We do weekly x-fit training, monthly drinks, dragon boat racing, karting, beer-tasting and those sort of activities. Although I consider them important to maintain a positive team-spirit, this is not what we were looking for last year. We wanted to talk, exchange ideas and embed a certain way of thinking. That is why we chose for workshops, combined with some fun activities. Since we all wanted to participate, both management and staff, we asked MyRefresh to host/mediate. This worked out very well. We all could focus on participating in the activities and did not have to think about anything else. Responses from people were positive. Nobody considered it as wasted (private) time. It was highly appreciated.